The survey data shows that the Irish are the ones who most frequently resort to exaggeration or lies (29%) to narrate their activity during the holiday period. For their part, Spain and Germany occupy second place in the ranking of lies about holidays (22% affirm so in both cases). At the opposite pole, France (13%) and Denmark (14%) stand out as the most frank countries in their explanations.
In the case of Spain, it should be noted that 10% claim to have exaggerated a story to generate envy, exceeding 7% of the European average. The most daring (3%) have even come up with a trip never made. Another curious fact is that 3% of Spaniards admit that they have modified a photograph to gain attractiveness.
Relive summer at the office
The survey reveals that the European countries analyzed spend an average of 22 minutes discussing holidays with co-workers. Spain remains in the average and is only surpassed by Ireland (26 minutes), Germany (25 minutes) and Sweden (23 minutes). Conversely, Norway would be the country that talks the least about their holidays in the workplace.
Regarding the narrative skills of each country, the Irish are the citizens who are most proud of their oratory skills. And it is that 39% consider that they are “very good” at it. Spanish and French are somewhat more modest, although 50% and 55%, respectively, believe that they are generally “good” at telling stories .
Among the countries most critical of his rhetoric when it comes to telling stories, the Swedes and the Danes, with 19% and 15% respectively, think that his skills are quite poor. We all enjoy the holidays, but beware of lies, which can play a trick on us.